Did Joy Rewards program change to Stamped?
Yes! If you previously were using Joy rewards, we have upgraded to another application called Stamped.
Do my points transfer from Joy to Stamped?
Yes! Any points earned in the Joy rewards app have been exported and imported into the Stamped app. If you have any questions or concerns about your new balance, do not hesitate to reach out to support@canadianprotein.zendesk.com.
Did the way to earn rewards points change?
Yes! They have improved slightly for customers. The way to earn rewards points for customers is now the following:
Sign Up- 15
Place Order- 1 point per $1
Sign Up Newsletter- 20
Birthday- 50
Write Review- 20
Like Facebook Page- 10
Follow Instagram- 10
Follow Twitter- 10
Follow TikTok- 10
Upload a Video- 10
Upload Photo- 10